septembre 2024

13  ESMO 2024 - 13 au 17 septembre - Barcelone

The ESMO Congress is a globally influential oncology platform for clinicians, researchers, patient advocates, journalists and healthcare industry representatives from all over the world.
ESMO 2024 will disseminate the latest cutting-edge data, provide high quality education and excellent networking opportunities for oncologists and other stakeholders from all around the world.

The innovative, LIVE Plus Congress format will offer participants the option to attend in person, in Barcelona or online, through the Virtual Congress Platform, from 13-17 September 2024.

See you there!


Informations et inscriptions ICI

octobre 2024

31  Dermato-Onco 2024 - 31 oct/1er nov - VIENNE (Autriche)

The European Congress on Dermato-Oncology (Dermato-Onco2024) will take place 31 October-1 November 2024 in Vienna, Austria.

Dermato-Oncology2024 will focus on the latest developments and findings in the diagnosis and management of different types of skin cancer. The Congress will present treatments available on the market as well as treatments still in the development stage.


The Congress will welcome Oncologists, Dermatologists, Immunologists, Surgical Oncologists, clinical scientists, industry leaders and other experts.


The congress will focus on the following key areas:

  • Skin cancer epidemiology
  • Genetic epidemiology
  • Genetic skin cancer associations
  • Skin cancer predisposition
  • Skin cancer prevention
  • Skin cancer diagnosis
  • Dermatopathology
  • Dermatosurgery of skin cancer
  • Adjuvant and neoadjuvant treatment
  • Systemic treatment of advanced skin cancer
  • Adverse events treating skin cancer
  • Non-melanoma skin cancer

Plus d'infos ici

juin 2025

12  JACC 2025 - 12 et 13 juin à Paris

La Journée d'Actualisation de Cancérologie Cutanée aura lieu les 12 et 13 juin 2025 à Paris

Plus d'informations bientôt